Five Types Of Skin: What's Yours?

Five Types Of Skin: What's Yours?

If you have ever shopped for a skincare product, you will notice that the bottle or container will show the list of ingredients that are present in the product. While this has to be done by the company for legal reasons, how does it affect you? Well, the list of ingredients is important especially if you know what kind of skin you have. The different types of skin are normal, dry, oily, combination, and sensitive. Knowing yours is extremely beneficial for buying and applying various skin care products. You’ll also be able to create a skincare routine that is customized to your needs.

Normal Skin

“Normal” skin is a misnomer, a better term would be balanced skin as this skin type sits right between oily and dry skin. If you have this skin type, then you likely have the right amount of natural oils on your face that make it dewy without making your face look greasy. You are probably not allergic to any skincare ingredients and most products will work well for you. You can have fun experimenting with various makeup or skincare products to find what’s best for you.

Dry Skin

Dry skin occurs when there is a lack of moisture on the surface of the skin. This can be genetic and is also dependent on the weather. For instance, have you noticed your nose flaking during wintertime? Sometimes, this can manifest in a cracked or itchy face too. The best thing you can do is apply a moisturizer several times a day and importantly, ensure that you are well-hydrated. If you have dry skin due to eczema, it is best that you consult a dermatologist who can guide you on the best products to use.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is characteristic of the shiny, greasy appearance due to excessive sebum production on your face. This can be genetic, hormonal, or simply due to age. It is fairly common in people below 30 years of age. What you can do is cleanse your face to remove oil and dirt from your pores (taking care, not to over wash). It is also important to moisturize your face with water-based moisturizers that are light on the skin. Look for products with a “non-comedogenic” label that will not clog the pores. Don’t use alcohol-based products as they can be too harsh.

Combination Skin

As the name suggests, combination skin is a mix of both dry and oily skin. Usually, the forehead, nose, and chin will be oily while the cheeks will be either dry or normal. The same rules apply for this skin type as oily and dry skin. Try isolating areas on your face and using specific spot-based treatment.

Sensitive Skin

If you have sensitive skin, you should be wary of new products. Gentle ingredients  will work best for you especially if your skin tends to become red and get bumps easily. You may even experience a stinging sensation from time to time. Fragrance-free products that soothe irritated skin are ideal.