Uneven Skin Tone? Causes And Solutions

Uneven Skin Tone? Causes And Solutions

Uneven skin tone is a fairly common issue which varies widely in terms of severity. The main causes are solar exposure, hormonal alterations, genetics, skin inflammation, and pollution in the environment.

What Causes Uneven Skin Tone?

  • Sun Exposure

With exposure to sunlight, your body produces melanin in an effort to shield itself from UV radiation. This is a leading cause of uneven skin tone. Excessive exposure may result in growth of sunspots. Applying sunscreen daily helps prevent unwanted skin changes. If possible, keep out of direct sunlight.

  • Pollution

Air pollution can cause an uneven skin tone as airborne pollutants disturb the skin barrier function and renders it susceptible to sunburn. Airborne microparticles may clog pores or contain free radicals that damage skin cells.

  • Hormones

Melasma, a skin disorder that causes gray and brown patches on the face, can be caused by hormonal imbalances in one’s body. This is why some pregnant women experience this condition. Unbalanced hormone levels often increase the emitted melanocyte-stimulating hormone (MSH), which may cause an unbalanced skin tone. Melasma might also be triggered by medications, contraceptives, or cosmetics.

How To Address Uneven Skin Tone

Uneven skin tone is a relatively common condition. While perfectly even skin tone does not exist, there are some ways for you to address uneven skin tone so you can  achieve a more balanced complexion.

Have A Treatment Done

There are several  cosmetic treatments that can help to balance uneven skin tone. Significant results can be achieved by skincare regimens such as intense pulsed light treatments, laser therapies, chemical peels, or microdermabrasion processes. Dermatology clinics mainly make use of IPL photo facials to treat your uneven skin tone and improve the quality of your skin.t.

Try Topical Products

You can also  apply topical treatments to even skin tone. These skin care products include ingredients such as:

  • Azelaic acid
  • Retinoids
  • Kojic acid
  • Vitamin C
  • Hydroquinone
  • Corticosteroids


Before applying the topical treatments, you should exfoliate the surface layers of dead skin cells to help clear paths for the ingredients in the topical treatments to better penetrate your skin and achieve good results.

Try Your Luck with Home Remedies

While there is no proven home remedy for uneven skin tone, some people have experienced some success with home treatments.

Choose Your Ingredients Well

You can also purchase products that contain activated charcoal to actively remove pollutants from the skin. Additionally, search for niacinamide, oligopeptides, or zinc glycinate to regulate melanin production, or retinol to strengthen your skin.

Uneven skin tone is a prevalent issue. Still, the causal sources can vary in terms of the severity of the condition. The principal sources are solar exposure, hormonal alterations, genetics, skin inflammation, or aerial pollution. To maintain an even skin tone, you must build a skincare routine focusing on smoothing skin's texture. Avoid alpha-hydroxy acids, retinoic acid, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid when you have very sensitive or dehydrated skin. Lastly, dry your skin by gentling wiping it.